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Converting SQLite3 Output to JSON in Bash

Updated by Tim Rabbetts on
Converting SQLite3 Output to JSON in Bash

Converting SQLite3 Output to JSON in Bash

When working with SQLite databases in a Bash script, it may be necessary to convert the output of SQL queries to JSON format for further processing. This can be achieved using various tools and techniques available in the Bash environment.

Using the sqlite3 Command

One common approach to convert SQLite3 output to JSON in Bash is by using the sqlite3 command-line tool itself. You can run SQL queries against the database and format the output as JSON using the following command:

    sqlite3 mydatabase.db "SELECT * FROM mytable;" | jq '.' > output.json

In this command, the sqlite3 tool is used to execute the SQL query "SELECT * FROM mytable;" against the database file mydatabase.db. The output of the query is then piped to the jq tool, which is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. The resulting JSON data is written to the file output.json.

Using Custom Scripts

Another approach to convert SQLite3 output to JSON in Bash is by writing custom scripts that process the SQL query results and format them as JSON. You can use standard Bash commands and utilities like awk or sed to manipulate the output and convert it to JSON format.

    sqlite3 mydatabase.db "SELECT * FROM mytable;" | awk 'BEGIN {print "["} {print $0","} END {print "]"}' > output.json

In this example, the output of the SQL query is processed using awk to surround each record with curly braces and separate them with commas to create a valid JSON array. The resulting JSON data is then redirected to the file output.json.


Converting SQLite3 output to JSON in Bash can be achieved using various tools and techniques, such as the jq command-line JSON processor or custom scripts utilizing standard Bash utilities. By converting the output of SQL queries to JSON format, you can simplify data processing and integration tasks in your Bash scripts.