In Drupal 9, swift mailer and other mailing solutions have been replaced with symfony mailer module. I installed this module as a drop in replacement for Drupals core mail system. However, the update module wasn't sending out emails. I tracked the issue down to this code in the update module in core.
$message = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail')->mail('update', 'status_notify', $target, $target_langcode, $params);
The module is hard wired to use the plugin.manager.mail service. I replace this code with code that uses the symfony mailer module.
$emailFactory = \Drupal::service('email_factory');
$message = $emailFactory->newTypedEmail('update', 'status_notify', $params)
Here is the patch:
Another issue I found was that the notification email for my site had the value 'dummy' in it, even though it was set correctly. To solve this I added this entry to my settings.php.
$config['update.settings']['notification']['emails'][] = 'myemailaddress@example.com';
Now I have update notifications working.