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"How to Resolve Laravel 9 Error: Argument 2 for 'in_array' must be of type array, null given"

Updated by Tim Rabbetts on
How to Resolve Laravel 9 Error: Argument 2 for 'in_array' must be of type array, null given

How to Resolve Laravel 9 Error: Argument 2 for 'in_array' must be of type array, null given

If you are encountering the error "Argument 2 for 'in_array' must be of type array, null given" in Laravel 9, don't worry. This is a common error that can be resolved easily by following a few steps.

Step 1: Check for Null Values

The error message indicates that the second argument passed to the 'in_array' function is null. This can happen if you are trying to check for the presence of a value in an array, but the array itself is null.

To resolve this error, you need to first check if the array is null before passing it to the 'in_array' function.

Step 2: Validate the Input

Another common cause of this error is passing invalid input to the 'in_array' function. Make sure that the array you are passing as the first argument is indeed an array and not null or any other data type.

You can use the 'is_array' function to validate the input before calling 'in_array' to avoid this error.

Step 3: Handle Null Values

If you expect the array to sometimes be null, you can add a check to handle this case gracefully. You can either initialize the array with an empty array if it is null or skip the 'in_array' check if the array is null.

Example Code

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to handle null values when using the 'in_array' function in Laravel 9:

        $array = $array ?? [];
        if(is_array($array) && in_array($value, $array)) {
            // Value is found in the array
        } else {
            // Value is not found in the array

By following these steps and making sure to validate the input before calling the 'in_array' function, you can easily resolve the error "Argument 2 for 'in_array' must be of type array, null given" in Laravel 9.