Fire TV has a really irritating habit of turning the screensaver off after 30 minutes. There is no way through the fire tv front end to change this. But there is a workaround!
To do this you need to connect to the fire tv using adb. This guide doesn't cover this but there are plenty of tutorials online for how to do this.
These 2 commands control the timeout of the screen however its a little confusion.
adb shell settings put secure sleep_timeout 123456789
adb shell settings put system screen_off_timeout 123456789
I have set the following:
adb shell settings put secure sleep_timeout 0
adb shell settings put system screen_off_timeout 300000
This means the screen will never blank or switch off (sleep_timeout), the screensaver will start after 5 minutes (screen_off_timeout 300000)
To see the current timer value, and verify the value you entered was correctly saved, run this command for the sleep timer:
adb shell settings get secure sleep_timeout
And this command for the screensaver timer:
adb shell settings get system screen_off_timeout