To get a module's path in Twig, which is often necessary for including additional files or assets located within the same module, you can use Drupal's built-in functionality in combination with Twig templating. This approach ensures a robust way of handling paths that adapt dynamically to your Drupal installation's structure.
Using {{ directory }}
in Twig
In Drupal, each theme and subtheme has access to a variable named {{ directory }}
within Twig templates. This variable automatically holds the path to the current theme or subtheme. For example, if you need to refer to an image stored in your theme's folder, you can use the following syntax:
<img src="{{ directory }}/images/my-image.jpg" alt="Descriptive Image Alt Text">
Accessing Module Paths
When it comes to accessing paths specific to a module, you'll need to take a slightly different approach since {{ directory }}
points to the theme, not modules. You will use the drupal_get_path()
function, which requires knowledge of the type of extension (module, theme, profile) and the machine name of the extension. For example:
{% set module_path = '/' ~ drupal_get_path('module', 'my_module') %}
Where 'my_module'
is the machine name of your module. Once set, you can use module_path
to include files relative to the module:
<img src="{{ module_path }}/images/module-image.jpg" alt="Module Specific Image">
Why Use drupal_get_path() in Twig?
Using drupal_get_path()
in Twig templates facilitates better flexibility and maintainability for your Drupal project. It abstracts the path resolution to Drupal's API, ensuring that the paths are always correct, irrespective of changes in the location or name of the module or theme.
Knowing how to correctly ascertain paths in Twig allows for more dynamic and robust Drupal development. By leveraging the built-in functions of Drupal with Twig's templating engine, developers can ensure their paths are properly managed and errors minimized.