I ran
drush pm:uninstall xmlsitemap
got this error
In FieldConfigStorageBase.php line 31:
Unable to determine class for field type '' found in the 'field.field.' con
In DiscoveryTrait.php line 53:
The "" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\Core\Field\FieldT
ypePluginManager are: block_field, comment, datetime, file_uri, file, googl
e_map_field, image, link, metatag, list_float, list_integer, list_string, p
ath, text_with_summary, text_long, text, webform, decimal, password, float,
uuid, string_long, entity_reference, changed, language, map, string, times
tamp, uri, integer, created, email, boolean
Debugged line 31 in /core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/FieldConfigBase.php
$config_id = $this->getPrefix() . $id;
print '<pre>';
throw new PluginNotFoundException($record['field_type'], "Unable to determine class for field type '{$record['field_type']}' found in the '$config_id' configuration", $e->getCode(), $e);
from the dump could see the UUID 90bd0956-0e7e-4197-a03b-f3ea625846c1
searched the config folder for this UUID and found it was in file
Checked the content type on the database and this field wasn't there.
Then I execute this SQL:
DELETE FROM cache_config
DELETE FROM config WHERE name = 'field.field.node.article.field_image'
DELETE FROM config_snapshot WHERE name = 'field.field.node.article.field_image'
After, I execute
drush cex -y
then ran drush pm:uninstall xmlsitemap and it worked yey, untidy database was the problem, hope this helps someone.